I build high-stakes software & complex data-analysis pipelines, usually for medical, scientific, or business-intelligence purposes.
I work in data science, MedTech, medical imaging, and traditional commercial software development.
My approach ensures stable, transparent, well-tested solutions that are free from unnecessary complexity.
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MedTech, Medical Imaging
The Connectivity-based Neurosurgical Toolkit provides a groundbreaking way for neurosurgeons to avoid causing permanent partial blindness during temporalobectomy surgeries. I overcame widespread struggle to clinically identify certain structures by stepping back & finding novel, intuitive, ways to use the basic algorithms used in diffusion MRI.
Design, All Technical Development, Clinical Testing, Funding
Python, Bash, C#/.NET, C++, Unit Testing, Open-CL (GPU)
Algorithm Development, Advanced Diffusion MRI, Other Medical Data
Traditional Software Development
Musink is a sophisticated desktop application that integrates with secure web services. It has over 150k users & has been profitable for more than ten years. Musink & its services possess a clean architecture & total close to 400k lines of code.
Conception, Design, All development
.NET, C#, WPF, JS/CSS/HTML, Azure, Cloudflare, Stripe, RESTful APIs, CI/CD, Unit & Integration Testing
Unsupervised Learning, SQL-Server / SQLite / Azure-SQL Databases, AWS S3, BI Analytics, Protocol Buffers, Proprietary Data Formats
Flip Proof
MedTech, Medical Imaging
Flip Proof is an open-source medical image processing framework for high-risk applications, like surgical planning. Flip Proof possesses a novel architecture that makes it virtually impossible to introduce errors that affect the orientation of medical images. It is GPU enabled for performance & heavily tested to ensure patient safety.
Conception, Architectural Design, All Development
Novel Software Architecture, C#/.NET, Iron Python, C++, PyTorch, GitHub Workflows, Unit Testing
Medical Imaging Data, including "From-Scratch" IO libraries for DICOM & NIfTI formats
AI Courses
Data Science
NDAs in EffectA series of educational AI courses for a multinational & tertiary education institute covering most mainstream ML methods - from logistic regression through to deep learning. As a consultant I helped design the courses & managed a small internationally distributed team writing & building them.
Team Management, Writing, Coding, Course design
Jupyter Notebooks, Python, TensorFlow, ScikitLearn, Statsmodels
Logistic Regression, SVMs, Deep Learning, Unsupervised Learning
Business Intelligence Gathering With AI
Data Science
NDA in EffectMy client needed to profile a diverse & complex customer base to both understand customer needs & match individuals to optimal service providers. I built a data capture & profiling scheme that both referred customers to ideal services & continually trained itself based on incoming data. I also provided deep statistical analyses for the team for future data collection schemes.
Launched, IP Owned by the Client
All Technical Development, Statistical Analyses, CI/CD
Python, Scikit Learn, Statsmodels, SQL, REST-APIs, Unit Testing, AWS
Text, numerical, & location data; Random Forests; Unsupervised Learning
Deep Brain Stimulation Neurosurgery Targeting
MedTech, Medical Imaging
We translated research-stage technology to allow neurosurgeons to implant brain electrodes in near-invisible structures with high precision. This work required translating MRI sequences to clinical hardware & developing complex data-analysis pipelines that integrated with hospital IT systems. This was was conducted at the University of California, San Francisco, one of the world's best-ranked neurosurgical hospitals.
In beta: supervised clinical use
Project scoping, system architecture, MR sequence tuning, all programming
Algorithm Development, Containerisation (Docker, Apptainer), C#/.NET, Python, Bash, Julia, PyTorch, Unit Testing
Medical Image Processing including QSM, fMRI, DTI, DICOM/PACS, Deep Learning, HIPAA
In Silico Trial Modelling Platform
MedTech, Backend
ELEM's Virtual Humans predictive modelling platform allows clients to run supercomputer-based in-silico trials to assess drug & device cardiac safety. I helped design and implement the framework and infrastructure that allows users to launch, analyse, and compare these in-silico clinical trials, including 3D videos of cardiovascular models in action.
Product design, project management; backend web development; team management; data & AI strategy; frontend design, vendor management. Responsibilities shared.
REST APIs, Backend Web Development, Python, Containerisation (Docker + Swarm), Unit Testing, Dashboard Design
PostgreSQL, TensorFlow, HDF5, in-silico data, cardiac CT, GDPR
At UCSF I bring groundbreaking imaging analyses to one of the world's top neurosurgical hospitals.
I began consulting in 2019, & continue to do so, but consulted full time between 2021 & 2023 for a variety of clients.
Elem Biotech, a startup, runs in-silico clinical trials for cardiovascular medicines. I helped the team define, coordinate, & build its MVP.
CSIRO is Australia's Federal Research Agency.
My Doctoral project was conducted in a mixed industrial/academic environment at the Australia e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO.
Musink is a profitable enterprise-scale application I conceived, built & commercialized. I continue to manage Musink as a business & add to its features.
My Doctoral Thesis focused on biomarkers of neuroplastic change, using advanced diffusion & functional MRI.
My Masters Thesis focused on validating a means of measuring cardiac function enabled by MRI.
My Post Graduate Diploma covered a wide range of topics including biostatistics, biophysics, neuroscience, & cellular + systems biology.
My Bachelor of Science covered physiology of all major bodily systems, from biochemistry through to systems biology & some cognitive science.
I was born and raised in New Zealand, where I spent much of my childhood getting up to mischief outdoors and swimming in - let's be honest - a fairly freezing pacific ocean.
Much of that upbringing has stuck! When I'm not working I like spending most of my time outside - hiking, camping, and swimming. Music is also really important to me - I didn't build Musink without cause.
Most my personal time is currently spent watching my very young daughter grow up. Our family are fairly international - between three of us, we have six passports from four countries: New Zealand, Spain, the USA, and the UK. My partner and I have also both spent considerable time in Australia. At whānau dinners at least four languages can be heard around the table.
I have an insatiable appetite for building and fixing things up - whether that be with tech or with physical tools. Kiwis often talk about 'number 8 wire mentality' - essentially relying on ingenuity and can-do attitude rather than resources one might not have. I think that has a lot going for it, though have always felt that maybe that's just an excuse we use to get stuck into a new project.
The best way you can get in contact is to email me at
We can take it from there!