Hi, I'm Lee Reid

I build high-stakes software & complex data-analysis pipelines, usually for medical, scientific, or business-intelligence purposes.

I work in data science, MedTech, medical imaging, and traditional commercial software development.

My approach ensures stable, transparent, well-tested solutions that are free from unnecessary complexity.

Not a traditional profile picture, I suppose. This is a quantitative map of my brain's connectivity.

I put together the MR sequence and data processing that generated this image to help surgeons plan safer brain surgery. Personalised maps like these are used to avoid causing paralysis, blindness, language deficits, and so on.

Selected Projects I've Built

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Work Experience

2023 - Now

Professional Research Scientist
University of California, San Francisco

At UCSF I bring groundbreaking imaging analyses to one of the world's top neurosurgical hospitals.



I began consulting in 2019, & continue to do so, but consulted full time between 2021 & 2023 for a variety of clients.


AI Research Scientist & Team Lead
Elem Biotech

Elem Biotech, a startup, runs in-silico clinical trials for cardiovascular medicines. I helped the team define, coordinate, & build its MVP.


Post-Doctoral Researcher

CSIRO is Australia's Federal Research Agency.


Doctoral Candidate
CSIRO & University of Queensland, Australia

My Doctoral project was conducted in a mixed industrial/academic environment at the Australia e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO.


Software Architect, Product Manager, Owner
Musink Limited

Musink is a profitable enterprise-scale application I conceived, built & commercialized. I continue to manage Musink as a business & add to its features.



PhD (Medical Imaging & Bioinformatics)
University of Queensland, AU

My Doctoral Thesis focused on biomarkers of neuroplastic change, using advanced diffusion & functional MRI.


MSc (Medical Science)
University of Auckland

My Masters Thesis focused on validating a means of measuring cardiac function enabled by MRI.


Post-Graduate Diploma in Science (Medical Science)
University of Auckland

My Post Graduate Diploma covered a wide range of topics including biostatistics, biophysics, neuroscience, & cellular + systems biology.


BSc (Physiology)
University of Auckland

My Bachelor of Science covered physiology of all major bodily systems, from biochemistry through to systems biology & some cognitive science.

Grants and Awards


Deeda Blair Research Initiative Grant

Co-investigator California, USA

Early Career Stipend

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Diamond Care Grant

Principal Investigator
Royal Brisbane Children's and Women's Hospital Foundation, Queensland, Australia

RANZCR Research Grant

Principal Investigator
Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Radiologists

MICCAI Patch-MI Best Paper Award

First Author

Advance Queensland Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Principal Investigator
Queensland Government, Australia

IMPACT 7 Pitch Competition - People's Choice Award

Australia-wide Competition

IMPACT 7 Pitch Competition - CSIRO Accelerator Award

Australia-wide Competition

Summa Cum Laude Award

First Author
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course All Expenses Scholarship

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

The University of Auckland Faculty of Science Masters Award (Scholarship)

Auckland, New Zealand

The University of Auckland Partnership Appeal Award (Scholarship)

Auckland, New Zealand

Peer Reviewed Publications


A Means of Enforcing Image Alignment at Compile Time for Improved Safety when Processing Surgical or Radiotherapy Images

LB Reid, PA Starr, DD Wang, MA LEe, MA Morrison Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Avoiding data loss: Synthetic MRIs generated from diffusion imaging can replace corrupted structural acquisitions for freesurfer-seeded tractography

J Beaumont, G Gambarota, M Prior, J Fripp, LB Reid Plos One

Fully automated delineation of the optic radiation for surgical planning using clinically feasible sequences

LB Reid, E Martínez-Heras, JV Manjón, RL Jeffree, H Alexander, et al. Human Brain Mapping

How many streamlines are required for reliable probabilistic tractography? Solutions for microstructural measurements and neurosurgical planning

LB Reid, MI Cespedes, K Pannek NeuroImage

Rapid Training Data Generation for Tissue Segmentation Using Global Approximate Block-Matching with Self-organizing Maps

LB Reid, AM Pagnozzi International Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, MICCAI

MRI denoising and artefact removal using self-organizing maps for fast global block-matching

LB Reid, A Gillman, AM Pagnozzi, JV Manjón, J Fripp International Workshop on Patch-based Techniques in Medical Imaging, MICCAI

Self-Organising Maps Enable Global Searching For Patch Based Segmentations

LB Reid, AM Pagnozzi, SV Cooper, SE Rose, J Fripp
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Brain changes following four weeks of unimanual motor training: Evidence from behavior, neural stimulation, cortical thickness, and functional MRI

MV Sale / LB Reid (joint first), L Cocchi, AM Pagnozzi, SE Rose, JB Mattingley Human Brain Mapping

Brain changes following four weeks of unimanual motor training: Evidence from fMRI‐guided diffusion MRI tractography

LB Reid / MV Sale (joint first), R Cunnington, JB Mattingley, SE Rose Human Brain Mapping

Measuring neuroplasticity associated with cerebral palsy rehabilitation: an MRI based power analysis

LB Reid, AM Pagnozzi, S Fiori, RN Boyd, N Dowson, SE Rose International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience

Measuring motor-training induced neuroplasticity using diffusion and functional MRI: a sensitive, pathology-robust approach

LB Reid

Measuring Neuroplasticity Associated with Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation an MRI Based Power Analysis

LB Reid / AM Pagnozzi (Joint first), S Fiori, R Boyd, N Downson, SE Rose
Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Neuroplasticity in a randomised clinical trial of multi-modal training of children with unilateral cerebral palsy?

LB Reid, RN Boyd, SE Rose, L Sakzewski
Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Interpreting intervention induced neuroplasticity with fMRI: the case for multimodal imaging strategies

LB Reid, RN Boyd, R Cunnington, SE Rose Neural plasticity

Motor Learning Induced Neuroplasticity, Revealed By fMRI-Guided Diffusion Imaging

LB Reid, MV Sale, R Cunnington, SE Rose Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Surface-based fMRI-driven diffusion tractography in the presence of significant brain pathology: a study linking structure and function in cerebral palsy

LB Reid, R Cunnington, RN Boyd, SE Rose PLoS One

Rehabilitation and neuroplasticity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy

LB Reid, SE Rose, RN Boyd Nature Reviews Neurology

Randomised controlled trial of multi-modal web based training: neuroplasticity outcomes

LB Reid, RN Boyd, S James, L Mitchell, SE Rose
Annual Meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Mesh-based fMRI-driven-tractography for automated analysis of non-parcellateable brains with pathology

LB Reid, K Pannek, RN Boyd, SE Rose
23rd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the ISMRM

Validation and Extension of Automated Image Registration Software for the Rapid Assessment of Heart Function

LB Reid
Master's Thesis

Therapeutic DBS for OCD Suppresses the Default Mode Network

N Slepneva, G Basich-Pease, LB Reid, et al. Human Brain Mapping

Tractography of sensorimotor pathways in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Association with motor function

X Caldú, LB Reid, K Pannek, J Fripp, et al. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology

Microscopic fractional anisotropy outperforms multiple sclerosis lesion assessment and clinical outcome associations over standard fractional anisotropy tensor

F Vivó, E Solana, A Calvi, E Lopez-Soley, LB Reid, et al. Human Brain Mapping

Comparative study of preclinical mouse models of high-grade glioma for nanomedicine research: the importance of reproducing blood-brain barrier heterogeneity

C Brighi, LB Reid, et al. Theranostics

MR-guided focused ultrasound increases antibody delivery to nonenhancing high-grade glioma

C Brighi, LB Reid, et al. Neuro-Oncology Advances

Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of home-based computerized executive function training for children with cerebral palsy

M García-Galant, M Blasco, LB Reid, et al. BMC pediatrics

Representation Learning of Fiber Tracts and Direct Comparison of Tract Distributions

K Shen, LB Reid, S Burnham, J Fripp
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Brain lesion scores obtained using a simple semi-quantitative scale from MR imaging are associated with motor function, communication and cognition in dyskinetic cerebral palsy

O Laporta-Hoyos, S Fiori, K Pannek, J Ballester-Plané, D Leiva, LB Reid, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical

Discovering the sense of touch: protocol for a randomised controlled trial examining the efficacy of a somatosensory discrimination intervention for children with hemiplegic CP

B McLean, M Blakeman, L Carey, R Ward, I Novak, J Valentine, E Blair, S Taylor, N Bear, M Bynevelt, E Basc, SE Rose, LB Reid, et al. BMC pediatrics

A simple semi-quantitative scale for brain MR imaging is associated with motor function, communication and cognition in dyskinetic cerebral palsy

O Laporta-Hoyos, S Fiori, K Pannek, J Ballester-Plane, D Leiva, LB Reid, et al.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

A Bayesian hierarchical approach to jointly model structural biomarkers and covariance networks

MI Cespedes, J McGree, CC Drovandi, K Mengersen, LB Reid, et al. Book Chapter

White matter integrity in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: relationship with intelligence quotient and executive function

O Laporta-Hoyos, K Pannek, J Ballester-Plané, LB Reid, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical

Extent of altered white matter in unilateral and bilateral periventricular white matter lesions in children with unilateral cerebral palsy

SM Scheck, J Fripp, LB Reid, K Pannek, S Fiori, RN Boyd, SE Rose Research in Developmental Disabilities

Motor pathway degeneration in young ataxia telangiectasia patients: A diffusion tractography study

I Sahama, K Sinclair, S Fiori, J Doecke, K Pannek, LB Reid, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical


I was born and raised in New Zealand, where I spent much of my childhood getting up to mischief outdoors and swimming in - let's be honest - a fairly freezing pacific ocean.

Much of that upbringing has stuck! When I'm not working I like spending most of my time outside - hiking, camping, and swimming. Music is also really important to me - I didn't build Musink without cause.

Most my personal time is currently spent watching my very young daughter grow up. Our family are fairly international - between three of us, we have six passports from four countries: New Zealand, Spain, the USA, and the UK. My partner and I have also both spent considerable time in Australia. At whānau dinners at least four languages can be heard around the table.

I have an insatiable appetite for building and fixing things up - whether that be with tech or with physical tools. Kiwis often talk about 'number 8 wire mentality' - essentially relying on ingenuity and can-do attitude rather than resources one might not have. I think that has a lot going for it, though have always felt that maybe that's just an excuse we use to get stuck into a new project.


Interested to work together? Let's talk

The best way you can get in contact is to email me at

We can take it from there!